In his hard-sell of Scientology (which includes pressuring reporters and magazines to attend Scientology meetings and agree to write only positive things about it) He is also making a lot of ill-advised public noise about the evils (and pseudo-science behind) prescription drugs, specifically drugs to treat mental illness and psychiatric disorders. He sounds really misinformed and unaware of the irony of a Scientologist labeling anything "pseudo-scientific."
When chatting with Matt Lauer, Cruise is confrontational and inarticulate. A lot of his argument seems to be: "I know more than you do. I know things you don't know." Okay, Tom, if you really are trying to enlighten us, and bring us to the truth on this matter, you have to supply that information to us, and we have to find it credible. What is this, Lookin at a Thing in the Bag?
He is arrogant beyond reason, seems to have a big shiny case of acquired situational narcissism, and seems oblivious to the fact that his close knit circle of Scientology minders keeps him insulated from outside opinion and information. I also have suspicion that he's a lot like GWB, in that he (partially due to his dyslexia) doesn't do his own reading, doesn't skim several papers over breakfast, and thus is only exposed to information that reinforces his existing beliefs.
Anyhoo, as the subject line of this post alludes to, the point I'm slowly winding my way toward is this: of all the science fiction writers to start a scammy, improbable cult, I mean religion, why did it have to be that ridiculous, terrible L. Ron Hubbard, who never wrote a palatable laser gun-and-space war tale in the traditional scifi realm? He wrote some shitty books, is what I'm saying.

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