Mlaika is a 10-year-old adolescent female African elephant living in Kenya in a group of semi-captive elephants. "When she is with the other elephants, she makes normal elephant sounds," says Stephanie Watwood of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. "But at night, when she is by herself, she can hear the trucks from a nearby highway and imitates their sounds."
Mlaika is one of two African elephants scientists have found making strange sounds. The other one chirps.
Watwood, who co-authored a recent study on the pachyderms bizarre copycat behavior, believes the elephants have learned to make sounds outside their normal repertoire in an attempt to better relate with their neighbors.
But why would an elephant imitate the sound of a truck? Watwood has a couple of suggestions.
"Perhaps it sounded like a distant elephant. She probably made the sounds to try and communicate with it," Watwood told LiveScience.
But it's hard to know what an elephant is thinking, and the creature's reasoning could be even simpler. "She may have been bored and it was something to do," Watwood suggests.
Groups within herds or larger populations often identify other group members using a unique call. Animals such as dolphins, whales, humans, bats and some birds all do this, but no one knew elephants did it too.
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