I am my own industry. A small, self-sufficient one. I don't need a million dollars. There is such a thing as too much money. Too much- too much of anything- is ugly. Integrity? What's that? Who cares anymore? Integrity is so old-fashioned, like flower power. And the ones who proclaim most loudly and vehemently that they have it are the ones who are the most corrupt. It's impossible to sell out these days. “Selling out” is an antiquated concept. Everyone is licensing their songs to car commercials. That didn't used to be okay. Bob Dylan is in a Victoria's Secret ad. The most talented girl singers have turned themselves into strippers. A notch above porn stars. 'Cause sex sells. The next step would be for them to actually have sex in their videos. Mariah Carey has implants. Christina Aguilera has implants. Gwen Stefani has implants. Even her. She finally gave in. And Beyoncé is on her hands and knees evoking doggy-style sex in one of her videos. And she has so much (singing) talent! Why, Beyoncé, why? Why, world, why? Why do you demand this of her?
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