August 31, 2006

The Blogs, They Are A'Changin'

Recently, a couple of my "Interviews With Bloggers" subjects have been changing their blog efforts in the face of shifting life priorities and varying interest levels in their favorite topics.

of Exclamation Mark's Vintage SciFi/Horror Review has changed gears and stopped his thorough and fun but time-consuming reviews of the B-Movies of yesteryear to focus on the equally fun and nostalgic but less demanding Exclamation Mark's Site For Sore Eyes, in which he showcases a very engaging series of vintage images from ads and ephemera of years gone by.

Similarly, Mr. Bali Hai of Eye of the Goof, has been processing some low-level dissatisfaction with his blogging project, and is reconsidering his motivation and interest. As he says, "I don't know what kind of 'blog this is any more: pop culture, tiki, weird links, art, or all of the above. I've felt like this before, and usually it's a sign that I'm burnt out and need to take a break to recharge my batteries, so that's what I'm going to do. If the past is any indication, it won't take long for me to stumble across something that gets my juices flowing again and prompts me to start blogging again."

Sounds familiar. I get bored easily and, with the demands of my work on The Bastion (and other areas of life) lately, I've been finding it hard to define exactly what I'm doing here with Bella Rossa, and if I need to reshape my efforts into something more clearly defined, something more structured, something more...something. (Mmm...nice and vague. See what I mean?) Time will tell how things evolve here.


Elizabeth McQuern said...


Anonymous said...

Trying again.