Bryan: I like cats. I like Elizabeth. I'd like Elizabeth's cats to like me, but they take after their human mother and are little fraidies who hide under the bed 83% of their lives. I will buy cat grass and give it to them as a friendly peace offering. Then they will like me.
Elizabeth, Nellie, and Teresa: Aww! What a nice boy. Here, kitties, try some cat grass. It's delicious.
Elizabeth's cats Flora and Calpurnia: No thanks, we will continue to hide under the bed for all of eternity.
Nellie's cat Daisy: This is delicious! I like you, Bryan.
Bryan: Sigh.
Your cats won't always be under the bed.....just until everybody else in the house leaves.
And my cats are just like their human owner, too...invasive, loud, and overzealous.
No, Nellie, you're "exuberant, vivacious, and..." okay, maybe a little loud. But definitely exuberant and vivacious.
eh. tomato tomaaaato. (that expression works a lot better out loud)
...maybe you mean "tomato, TOMATO!!!" - ?
Yes. How could I possibly have mis-represented the word TO-MA-TO?!
No, I meant like you were speaking the first "tomato" in a normal voice, and then yelling it the second time.
Quit distracting me. I need to get back to work now.
Also, your cats have spring fever and are running up and down the hallways like elephants on crack.
Quit distracting YOU? You quit distracting ME!
Also, the cats would prefer if you didn't call them elephants. They have complexes about their girlish figures as it is....
Now leave me alone. I have babies to tend to.
Elephants on crack?
I need to hang out at your house more often...
It's a party, I tell you.
You think the cats are should hear it when I'M home!
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