May 27, 2008

This Week is Another Busy One...Plus, "Where's This All Going?"

Tonight Dan and I are producing a private audition for a reality show for a major network. There is much shuffling of talent and revising of Google spreadsheets. Then we'll be producing ChUC, as always.

Bryan and six of the other Blewt folks are in Los Angeles right now pitching/auditioning Don't Spit the Water to three notable media entities. (I'm not sure, in either of these cases, what identifying information is cool to use, so I'm being purposefully vague.)

I have become BFF's with some of the key peeps behind the DC Comedy Fest. They want me to come out to the festival (where some of my comedians will probably be performing). I probably should, but the thought of committing several hundred bucks to anything other than coffee and internet access sort of makes me nervous right now.

Melissa and I are going ahead on work for Carrie Callahan, with lots of other comedy-types on a short list for web design, copywriting, and video editing work.

I have more professional deadlines this week than ever before, which is great.

Also, more and more friends are moving out to L.A., and encouraging me and others to do the same. I'm a long way away from being able to seriously consider and plan for that, but there are a lot of things that would fall into place if I did.

Back to work now.


Flo said...

I am so lucky to know you.

You should go to DC! I hope that I go, and maybe we could room together.

Chancelucky said...

Wow, that's all really exciting! IF the reality show happens, I can blog about it :}

Dan Telfer said...


Let's all get that freaking invite. And lottery money to pay for it. I hear that fest rules, regardless.

Elizabeth McQuern said...

We'll know soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!

If you find a good, affordable web designer let a brother know.

I'm in the market.
