Boy, I haven't done this in awhile! Recent google searches and referring URL's that led people (who were surely disappointed) to my blog:
Ike Barinholtz image search - yes, I wrote about him once. Thanks to my friend
Justin, who's pals with Ike, I interviewed
Ike once. And yes, he looks very nice with no shirt. But I borrowed that image from some other web site. Why does google want people to come to me for this stuff?
hippo nudle - I don't even know what that is.
Naked Valentine's Day - I got
flowers and lip gloss from my darling
boyfriend. That was the extent of my blogging on the subject. Hopefully there is no internet video floating around.
Fay Dunaway's crazy ranting voicemail. Yep, I wrote about that once. But I don't host that file.
Chicago Magazine's list of excellent web sites - aw, stop, you're making me blush.
"bella rosaa" blog - so close!
Joseff of Hollywood jewelry - yes, he was my
great uncle, and he designed some very pretty things for some very pretty ladies, including Rita Hayworth (at left, wearing one of his necklaces), Vivien Leigh, Bette Davis, Garbo, Dietrich -- let's just save our breath and say all of Hollywood's legendary beauties.
"Elizabeth McQuern" - hi! Yep, here I am. Hello, curious person at the Tribune company. How are you?
"national geographic society room 272" - Now this one is funny.
I wrote about this because someone who read my blog was identified as reading me from there, and presumably this person is doing the same thing. I don't know any more than you do, pal! Lemme know if you find out anything interesting.
Hi Elizabeth,
You caught this Tribunites attention with your witty commentary, which arrived through my Google alert for the Tribune Company.
Would enjoy laughing at you when you visit Los Angeles one day.
The Blogging Pressman
for some reason my one weird recurring hit is for "Did Chris Daughtry cheat on his wife?"
It's nothing I ever wrote about, though I mention Chris Daughtry in my Idol reviews.
Wow, thanks, Ed, what a nice comment. I always love hearing from fellow writer types and, should my travels ever lead me to LA, I would love to make you laugh. Hopefully on purpose, using actual comedy.
Chance - it never fails to amaze me the weird things people google, and especially when people are clearly not finding what they're looking for here and yet stick around and read for 20 or 30 minutes. I mean, I kill a lot of time pointlessly cruising the web, too, but sometimes it's ridiculous.
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