Pre-show, Paul Thomas and Nick Vatterott shot a video onstage and used me and Schadenfreude's Kate James as "drunk girls doing karaoke," with a twist: we were reciting from Obama's "Audacity of Hope" speech rather than Madonna or Britney Spears. Then Nick recited from Eisenhower's resignation speech. They used Dan as a the host, and used Mom, our family friend Jan, and Bryan as audience members. I'll be interested in seeing the final product.
Using my real name and revealing my personal connection to Chicago's Olympics bid, I joined the fray on Chicagoist, took some criticism, hopefully deflected some heat.
It's 87 degrees today -- "feels like 93." I'm working from home today. With no air conditioning. My Senor Freeze-sicles are practically melting before I can crack them open and pop them into my hot yaw. Man.
Because I think Kate is awesome, one of my favorite of her videos, "Regrets: Kid":
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