July 8, 2008

Zam Zam and Madame Bovary

Andrew DeWitt and Tammy Connors at the pre-L.A. trip Blewt karaoke party. Andrew was in character as Zam Zam, Baby of the Future, and Tammy as Madame Bovary, the sex ed teacher. On a girly note, Tammy has the shiniest, prettiest hair I've ever seen.


Nellie said...

You know, I have to say.....Tammy does have really nice, shiny hair. Good on ya, Tammy.

Double the girly in just one post!

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

But do they realise there's a mysterious cursor flying over their shoulders?

Elizabeth McQuern said...

Whoa, you're right, Imaginary Reviewer! Darn my sloppy cropping skills.