Uncool: 4.2 million toys coated in a chemical that, should a child do something childlike, like put one in their mouth, "
converts into the toxic 'date rape' drug GHB," have been recalled.
Cool: A teenage boy in Australia jumped on the tracks and
saved a stranger from being hit by a train.
Uncool: Both the iPhone and iPod earphones
contain harmful chemicals in such concentrations that they violate California state law.
Cool: NASA recently published recordings made from
Cassini's jaunt around the solar system, described as "eerie whistling, epic whooshing and warbling echoes." Here's what it sounds like near
Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons.
Uncool: Our National Security Agency has pretty much
copied the entire internet and all e-mails as well.
Cool: If you buy $3150 worth of pudding, you can
fly free to Europe 31 times.
Ummm, pudding.
I did have to crack up that they gave it to a foodbank.
We get so much pudding, cake and donuts. I've gained weight, but it really does not help feed the hungry folks in the community.
You should change the name to "Second Helpings of Pudding, Cake, and Donuts."
Thanks for the intro to Leslie!
Eat the pudding.
it's nice to see one of those interwebs email legends turn out to be true. Thanks!
Bubs, don't be gullible. They're ALL true. Like that Neiman-Marcus cookie recipe that's worth $250.
Why are the kids licking those beads anyway?
'Cause it's a better buzz than that human waste huffing we've been hearing so much about. ;)
hmmm, all that pudding. I see two uses for it. Fly to Europe for bikini pudding wrestling. Or.....use the chocolate pudding as a great "yummy smelling" lotion that you slather yourself with at night!
That would be great for those "late-night" snacks we sometimes succumb to.
I like the idea of edible body lotion. Maybe there's some product development work you can do there, Regina!
I really hope the NSA has that one blog post I accidentally deleted. Cuz I can't find it anywhere.
I'm sure if you send them a polite request, they'll send it to you. They probably have recordings of your phone conversations from the last ten years, too.
Oh fer cryin out loud - my ipod headphones are toxic? What's next?
Death by bagel?
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