It's called "Breakfast With Teresa," and it's 3.5 minutes with another 1 minute of bloopers. Teresa has her own in-house morning chat show but doesn't seem realize no one is watching, and isn't willing to be too flexible on the rules, even when Elizabeth is too scared to report live from the basement. Nellie suggests that they get around Teresa's iron fist by playing with time traveling text messages and sketch editing in the future. Guest appearance by Morgan Freeman. Sort of.

I am so thrilled that actors opened their mouths and my words came out. Nerdy words like "Would you please stop crapping on the boundary between magical realism and science fiction?" (Thank you, Teresa.)
I learned a lot. I already know things I'll do differently next time and I feel even surer now that I should be behind the camera more than in front of it, so maybe we'll experiment with inviting guest stars to play with us on our Sunday afternoon comedy jaunts.

So go watch my first short comedy film! And please share opinions. We're putting it out there and we want to get better, so be honest (but gentle).
P.S. I'm not too proud a geek to admit that I hope people will notice that the music I wrote for the end of the clip is a remixed, sped up, Latin disco version of the opening clip.
fun stuff, makes me thing Wayne and Garth with females and no guitars.
oh...we can GET guitars!!!
I've seen a bunch of comedy videos and this one is very funny and strange and playful. I like it that you aren't like serious comedians.
It's like kids playing, but better planned.
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