Darn. I thought I'd made up an entirely new word, but
Google tells me others before me have done the same. It also tells me it's not a real word, but I knew that already.
Still, "intertwangled" is pretty darned funny, no?
(The title of this post is a purposely mangled quote from James Mitchener.)
Interwangle is a great word....maybe you can get it into Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary...
Well, if it's any consolation, I thought it was a funny word. And as far as my ears were concerned, you DID make it up!
I was interwangled a little bit on Saturday.
"Put that in your Funk and Wagnalls!" Thanks for reminding me of one of my favorite Simpsons jokes, Chance!
Nellie, somehow you are always nearby (or at least involved) when I birth ridiculous phrases like that.
Grant - you, too? A little interwangling is a healthy thing.
I get that from a lot of people.
I credit it to the unicorns and rainbows and constant music player that are always in my head. It rubs off quickly......
Intertwangled, that's equaled to about 2,000 points in scrabble.
Ah, what a wonderful word. Even if it's not an official word, you can make it so with your repeated usage. Yet another way to make your mark on the world :)
Jerell - wow, you're right. Hopefully my new roommates won't be sticklers about only using words from the official Scrabble dictionary.
Amy - thanks! Maybe if I use it enough in everyday conversations and in published writing, it will find its way into the everyday lexicon. Propriety be darned!
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