That's why this morning I woke up enough to brush my teeth and dash down the block to the gym, where I knocked myself out for 45 minutes before coming home to stuff myself with a giant spinach and tofu salad and a big ol' hunk of sweet potato. (It looks like the sweet potato is 95% butter, but I swear it isn't. It looks like my hair is sweaty and matted down...because it is.)
haha. "sweetie potato". i'm not changing that Freudian typo!! :-)
Sweetie potato, indeed! I never liked them before, and suddenly, after Teresa fixed some with lunch the other day, I crave them constantly. They're super cheap at the Mexigrocery I shop at, and even an idiot like me can manage to microwave them quite nicely.
Nellie has also influenced my current infatuation with watermelon. Thank god my roomies eat mostly healthy stuff and don't sit around eating pop tarts, vodka, and onion rings all day, I'm very impressionable that way.
o god, tell me about it! my roomie and i both love to cook, and she's currently on a Filipino/sushi kick.... i can easily say no to the bad bad Filipino noodles (they have pork in them, which i don't eat, but i did taste them once and they're soooo good, but greasy and you know they gotta be bad!), but the fresh maki rolls made w/ fresh fresh CHEAP salmon sashimi from the local Asian deli!? i keep stuffing my face every night when she makes a batch (which lasts for days). i can't even be tempted to go out for sushi anymore, not when i can get it at home for pennies a roll!
god bless the Mexigroceries. Harves Time (yeah, no "T" on "Harves") is truly heaven on earth.
Well, there goes my plan to start eating pork skins, mountain dew and slim jims (in the words of mariba)
Guess I'll just keep eating melon and tofu...
I must try "Harves Time" one of these days. And Angel makes sushi? I believe I just found a way to force Nellie to raise the bar. SUSHI, NELLIE! SUSHI! And no pork rinds, please.
pffffft. somebody needs to move in with Angel. I don't eat sushi, and I certainly don't make it...I can, however, bake the pants off of anybody in town!
hey, this tiny apt barely fits us (and all of our crap) as it is! :-)
yah, she makes sushi. just simple maki rolls, really, but they are soooo yummy. maybe b/c they're free (for me to eat); who knows. i think they are delish though :).
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