Bryan found this on the microwave at the school where he teaches. Teresa keeps saying "Hey, Nasty," in a voice like Cleveland from Family Guy.
I keep saying "Do not use the microwave if you can't clean up your behind!"
On a related note, I love
Please, for the love of God. Keep your behind out of my microwave.
I'd give anything if my behind were still slim and fit enough to squeeze into a microwave.
Nellie - you'd be surprised what we do when you're not here.
Bubs - I think I could fit about one shank in my little microwave. Wait, a shank is something on my body, right?
Things to do when I get home:
1) Steralize microwave
2) Check for shanks in microwave
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2
The shank is the part between the knee and the ankle. I think you're thinking of the haunch.
I can't fit one of those in teh microwave either.
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