What are you doing today, on this bright and beautiful Presidents Day? Bryan has the day off, what with being a teacher and all, so after I get some work done we're going to a local animal shelter to look at dogs. He's puppy crazy these days, and he keeps sending me links to the ones he finds especially cute. Right now we have our favorites. I think the cutest one is this white and black pit bull girl, Belle, and he likes the black pit bull lab mix boy named Leo. There may not be a dog in either of our immediate futures but it sure is fun to think about.
I am terrified of pit bulls.
Mind you, I support people's right to keep them, snuggle them, and tell me how cute they are. I love other people loving pit bulls. I'm a big liberal pussy after all.
That said, to me they look exactly like what I would expect a killing machine to look like. And it doesn't help that TWO people in my building have one and won't leash it under any circumstances. They jump all over me, much to my horror, while they stand there deadpan waiting for me to pet it or something.
At least they're not rottweilers, I guess.
I admit, I am also leery of that particular breed, as I was attacked by one several years ago. The shape of their heads alone makes me a little scared. But I try to evaluate them as individuals, and I factor in the relative levels of responsibility and stupidity of their owners before deciding if they're cool or not.
I just have a LOT of friends who fawn over pitbulls for being cute. Is this the same impulse that makes people buy skull and crossbone socks? It's death, but it's soft? Because I have socks like that and I still don't get it.
Hell, I like everything to be dark and creepy, but I just can't pair these dudes with "cute". Their heads all look straight out of a monster truck rally.
Any dog that is taller than me on it's hind legs is out. OUT.
So...no chihuahuas, then?
ahahaha that's so...ahahaha...funny...bwahaha.....cuz I'm so short and stuff...ha ha ha...and cuz chihuahuas are bahahaha so small...ahahahahaha a ha..ha...ha....
real funny, smart ass.
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