November 20, 2008

Palin Oblivious To Turkey Slaughter

You can see turkeys being dipped headfirst into the head-choppy machine behind her as she talks, seemingly oblivious to the carnage behind her. She's spouting the usual "connected phrases that almost seem linear" verbiage. Also, that cameraman should be fired.


Unknown said...

To add to the humor of this scene, prior to this interview she did her ceremonial pardoning of a turkey.

Pat R said...

from a PR standpoint, one might give Palin the benefit of the doubt... but seriously, she might consider her surroundings a bit more before she goes on interviews that millions will end up watching

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and if it'd been Biden doing the interview, he would have been telling the interviewer about how the Pilgrims ate turkey with the Indians at the 7-11 after they landed their speedboats at Fraggle Rock back in 1776.

Joe said...

I've watched this about 5 times, and laughed my ass off each time. Thank you.